Can BSR help me?

Whilst Body Stress Release does not offer a diagnosis or treatment of any specific condition or illness, it assists your body in restoring its natural capacity for self-healing. Clients have reported improved health relating to a wide range of conditions.

Body Stress Release also has a broader objective – it is concerned with assisting ‘wellness’ and many people choose to have regular releases to enable their body to perform to its full potential.

Back pain

We believe that the key to maintaining a healthier back is to maintain the natural curves of the spine. Your practitioner can advise on how to achieve this and give you simple exercises to improve your core strength.

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Shoulder pain

Carrying a heavy bag, holding a baby for long periods of time, playing a musical instrument, weightlifting, sleeping on one side more than the other, slouching on the couch, sports that require throwing with one arm or using your chest and shoulders a great deal (like swimming or gymnastics) – these can also play a role in a build-up of body stress around the shoulder.

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Headaches and Migraines

Headaches and migraines needn’t be a life-sentence. Many of our clients have found considerable, if not complete, relief from their symptoms after their BSR sessions. Our practitioners also give advice on posture to minimise stress and tension in the neck and shoulders.

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Gastrointestinal Complaints

Stress can affect your digestive system, and clients often say that this is where they tend to store their stress. Perhaps you’re familiar with the sensation of ‘butterflies’ in your stomach or maybe you’ve experienced cramping and abdominal pain whilst enduring a particularly worrisome time?

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Children and Teenagers

Children and teenagers tend to respond very quickly to Body Stress Release, as the body stress hasn’t been accumulated over a long time and is readily released.

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Sports and Fitness

By releasing stored tension with regular Body Stress Release sessions, you’ll aid your body in its recovery and assist it towards the prevention of injuries by limiting the accumulation of stored body stress. Many athletes and sports enthusiasts have said that BSR has helped enhance their performance – from golfers to runners and swimmers to yogis.

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Men’s Health

Over the last three decades, we’ve seen a huge increase in the number of men coming for Body Stress Release. In the past, men typically paid less attention to their health than women. Thankfully these days men feel more able to seek help when needed.

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Neck pain

Body stress in the neck may be a contributing factor to the cause of headaches, migraines, tinnitus, snoring, rounded posture, restricted movement, dizziness, poor sleep, visual disturbances, poor concentration, pins and needles in your hands, irritability, poor concentration and even depression.

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Sciatic pain

BSR has a great track record in helping clients with sciatic pain and other problems relating to the lower back. In the meantime, avoid any activity which might irritate the nerves in the lower back such as heavy lifting, bending and twisting.

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Stress and Anxiety

Everyone experiences some form of stress at some point. It’s a normal part of life and can even be a beneficial motivator in the right dose. We need a certain amount to thrive and survive, but it becomes negative when our bodies reach overload and begin to struggle. For each of us this threshold is different.

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Mums-to-be and Newborns

Regular BSR sessions throughout pregnancy can play an important role in helping your body prepare for birth by ensuring that the lower back and pelvic area are as free of body stress as possible.

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Healthy Ageing

Although muscles, bones and joints change as a result of age, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you should experience more pain or stiffness. So many people put their aches and pains down to their age, dismissing them as ‘what’s expected’.

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Women’s Health

Body stress affecting your lower back and pelvic area (without necessarily experiencing any pain) may be a contributing factor in gynaecological disorders, fertility problems, painful or irregular menstruation, menopausal side effects or genital pain conditions such as vestibulodynia, vulvodynia and vaginismus.

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